Free Medical Information : Doctor = Publisher Book Scanning

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Free Medical Information : Doctor = Publisher

by Bernd Sebastian Kamps

Flying Publisher



1. Flying Publisher
Change of generations
Book vs. Internet ? – Book + Internet !
Pioneer projects
Traditional publishing or self-publishing?
What is financially feasible?
100 Projects

2. The world needs one hundred doctors
Personal qualifications
Contents and structuring
The editorial team
Time frame
Team of authors

3. Getting the train on the track
Document for the texts
Assistance with writing
Deadline, Kick-off

4. Behind the scenes
Opening and closing credits
Founding a publishing house
ISBN Number
Setting up a website
The deadline is approaching
Project Centre
Negotiations with sponsors

5. The home stretch
Creating index entries
Preliminary publication on the internet
Final assembly
The home stretch, countdown
Ora et labora

6. Playground, creativity
Pocket edition
Expansion of the websites
Authors’ fees
The English version
Removal of the copyright

7. The seventh day
FMI support fund
FMI tutoring
FMI meetings
A. Letter to your authors
B. Working with Word
C. Copyright Removal



Book vs. Internet ? – Book + Internet !

Books and the internet are the forms of communication media available to us doctors (Table 1 and 2). The most important difference is that we pay for books, but not for internet sites, and, in addition:

* Readability: books are easier to read and more versatile in their application
* Number of readers: for 1000 book-readers there are 10,000 and more internet readers
* How up-to-date are they?: internet sites are more up-to-date than a book

Table 1.1: Advantages of a book
?? can be sold easily by publishers
?? are prestigious
?? are tangible
?? can be read easily in very different situations
(beach, bath-tub etc.)
?? have authority

Table 1.2: Advantages of internet sites
Internet sites
?? cost the reader nothing
?? are more up-to-date than books
?? reach a lot of readers
?? speed up the flow of information

At first glance, books and the internet are very diverse media, at least when pitted against each other. However, they give a different impression when put side by side and combined (Table 1.3). A text which is produced as a combination of “book + internet” leaves little to be desired.

Table 1.3: Book + Internet sites
Book + internet sites are
?? easy to sell + up-to-date
?? prestigious + have a lot of readers
?? suitable for the bath-tub + the computer
?? representative + around the world in an instant

In addition, books and the internet benefit from each other. A book on its own is immobile – it takes internet sites to set the text in motion. Only then is it to be found standing on every street corner of the internet, calling “Please take me with you!” In return, a book is the best possible publicity for an internet site. It is only through books that internet sites are archived correctly and given authority – among other things, because the authors have no choice but to commit themselves in black and white. The result is that internet sites and books complement each other, and nowadays a text is only represented adequately in the combination, book + internet.

Anyone who doesn’t understand the complementary nature of book and internet sites should think very hard about whether writing still makes sense for him. There is little doubt: out of two equally competent and detailed medical textbooks, the one available free of charge on the internet will be the one to win favour with the readers. In a direct confrontation between “book only” and “book + internet”, “books only” have a remote chance of survival. This fact means that the book with the free internet version ultimately gains market shares. The surprising twist is that the free internet version promotes the sale of the fee-based book version. The financial result of a well-planned parallel publication (book + free internet counterpart) can thus be very satisfying in the middle-term. We will come back to this point in more detail later.

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