Mathematics : A Tutorial on Learning Bayesian Networks Book Scanning

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Mathematics : A Tutorial on Learning Bayesian Networks

by David Heckerman



The Bayesian Philosophy

Before we discuss Bayesian Networks and how to learn the from data, it will help to review the Bayesian interpretation of probability. A primary element of the language of probability (Bayesian or otherwis) is the event. By event, we mean a state of some part of our world in some time interval in the past, present, or future. A classic examplpe of an even is that a particular flip of a coin will come up heads. A perhaps more interesting event is that gold will close at more than $400 per ounce on Januari 1, 2001.

Given an event e, the prevalent conception of its probality is that it is a measure of the frequency with which e occurs, when we repeat many times an experiment with possible outcomes e and e (not e). A different notion is tat the probability of e represents the degree of belief held by a person that the event e will occur in a single experiment. If a person assigns a probability between 0 and l to e, then he is to some degree unsure about wheter or not e will occur.

The interpretation of a probalitiy as a frequency in a series of repeat experiments is traditionally of probability as a degree of belief is called the subjective or Beyesian interpretation, in honor of Reverend Thomas Bayes, a scientist from the mid 1
700s who helped to pioneer the theory of probabilistic inference (bayes 1958; Hacking, 1975). As we shall see in Section $, the frequentist interpretation is special case of Bayesian interpretation.

In the Bayesian interpretation, a probability or belief will always depend on state of knowledge of the person who provides thhat probability. For example, if we were to give someone a coin, he would likely assign a probability of 1/2 to the event thhat the coin would show heads on the next toss. If, however, we conviced that person that the coin was weighted in favor of head, he would assign a higher probability of e given "?". The Symbol "?" represents the state of knowledge of the person w
ho provides the probability.

Also, in this interpretation, a person can assess a probability that the coin would show heads on the elevent thos, under the assumtion that the same coin comes up heads n each of the first ten losses. We write p(e2|e1,?) to denote the probability of event e2 given that event e1 is true and given backgound knowledge ?.



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