Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics : Second Edition Book Scanning

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Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics : Second Edition

By The Mathematical Society of Japan

Edited by Kiyosi Ito


Originally Published in Japanese in 1954 by Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, Tokyo, under title Iwanami Sugaku Ziten

Revised and augmented edition in 1960

Second Edition in 1968

Third Edition in 1985 by Nihon sugakkai (Mathematical Society of Japan)

English Translation of the Third Edition (1987) by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Preface to the Second English Edition

This second edition of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics is in subtance an English version of the third edition of Iwanami Sugaku Ziten (in Japanese). We shall explain how these two versions are related to each other and how the present edition differs from the first English edition. For the sake of simplicity we abbreviate Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics and Iwanami Sugaku Ziten to EDM and ISZ, respectively, and indicate the numbers of editions beyond the first by arabic numerials.

The prefaces of the previous editions will clarify how ISZ, its augumented editions,ISZ2, ISZ3, and EDM came into existence in 1954, 1960, 1968, 1985, and 1977, respectively. EDM, published nine years later than ISZ2, consisted of its English translation and some new materials added to update its contents. In retrospect, it was felt that this procedure was not adequete to cope with the recent rapid progress of mathematics, and a suggestion was raised in the Mathematical Society of Japan that ISZ3 and EDM2 be produced simultaneously. The favorable reaction of the mathematical public to EDM encouraged us greatly.

In 1978 an agreement was made among the Society, Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, and the MIT Press for the publication of ISZ3 and EDM2. An Edittorial comitte was established in the Society with the members named in the preface to ISZ3. Manuscripts were prepared simultaneously in Japanese and English by each contributor, with Yuji Ito acting as linguistic consultant.

I sould mention that we benefited greatly from the kind comments on EDM by the following mathematicians: J.F. Adams, M. Atiyah, A. Borel, H. Cartan, K. Chandrasekharan, S.S. Chern, J.L. Lions, L. Markus, and J.P. Serre. In particular, we are deeply grateful to J. Dieudonne for this many detailed comments.

Compared with ISZ3 and EDM, EDM2 has the following characteristics:
(1) EDM2 contains many more new mathematical results than EDM. For the details we refefr the reader to the main points of revision mentioned in the preface to ISZ3, because EDM2 has the same mathematical content as ISZ3 and the additions made to ISZ2 and subsequently in EDM are of relatively minor importance.
(2) The Japanese texbooks listed in the article references of ISZ3 are replaced in EDM2 by references to standard textbooks written in English. Such replacement was not done in compiling EDM.
(3) Years of birth and death are included in the Name Index of EDM2 as far as possible. This information was given in ISZ2 but was removed in compling EDM.
(4) The Subject Index of EDM2 is so designed that every concept consisting of two or more word can be traced from each of these component words. (This principle was adopted in ISZ2 and EDM but was not rigidly followed in ISZ3 due to the lack of space.)
(5) While all editions of ISZ were in one volume and EDM was in two volumes: I. Forewords, prefaces, introduction, text A-E; II. Text F-N; III. O-Z; IV. Appendices indexes and other backmatter. The Systematic List of Articles appears in volume IV, page 1857.

While EDM2 is more voluminous than ISZ3, we hope that, being written in English and printed with generous margins, it can easily provide readers with informations on every significant result of todays mathematics and so will be useful to a large number of mathematicians. I am responsible for any shortcomings that may exist despite all our efforts, and I hope to have occasion to remedy any such shortcomings in the future.

Finally I would like to repeat my thanks to all the collaborators named in my preface to ISZ3. Also I express my gratitude to Yuji Ito for all manuscripts, to Shigeru Iitaka for his laborious assistance in the final stage of the work, to Mrs. M. Nawata for her excellent secretarial work, and to the staff of the Department of Mathematics at Gakushuin University for Providing me with an office for compilation for eight years.

Kiyosi Ito
Desember 1986

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