Data Mining : concepts and Techniques Book Scanning

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Data Mining : concepts and Techniques

by Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber

Published by Diane Cerra





Chapter I : Introduction I
____________ What Motivated Data Mining? Why is It Important?
____________ So, What is Data Mining?
____________ Data Mining - On What Kind of Data?
________________________ Relational Databases
________________________ Data Warehouses
________________________ Transactional Databases
________________________ Advanced Data and Information Systems and Advanced Applications
____________ Data Mining Functionalities - What Kinds of Patterns Can Be Mined?
________________________ Concept/Class Description: Characterization and Discrimination
________________________ Mining Frequent Pattterns, Associations, and Correlations
________________________ Classification and Prediction
________________________ Cluster Analysis
________________________ Outluer Analysis
________________________ Evolution Analysis
____________ Are All of the Patterns Interesting?
____________ classification of Data Mining Systems
____________ Data Mining Task Primitives
____________ Integration of a Data Mining system with a database or Data Warehouse System
____________ Major Issues in Data Mining


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